

In a time when reasonable accommodation and cultural diversity are part of our integration process, the Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association - Montreal Chapter (CIBPA Montreal) is proud to celebrate achievements of individuals of Italian origin, their immersion in Quebec society and their contribution to its economic and cultural development.

The Premio started in 1992, with the last one taking place in 2007. CIBPA Montreal is proud to bring back the Premio Awards after 17 years. This year the Premio Categories are the following:

- Young Entrepreneur Award presented by TD Commercial Bank  
- Entrepreneur Award presented by Scotia Bank
- Intergenerational Award presented by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
- Community Leadership Award presented by Caisse Populaire Desjardins Canadienne Italienne.   





This year the Premio Awards will take place on September 28th, 2024 during CIBPA Montreal's 75th Anniversary Gala.

The PREMIO award, granted by the CIBPA Montreal is a formal recognition of their exceptional success in their respective fields and bring honor to the Italian-Canadian community of Quebec. The laureates and finalists of the competition constitute exceptional success and an inspiration for the succession and growth of our businesses and community within the Quebec economy and beyond.


Guidelines and Eligibility criteria


Young Entrepreneur       Entrepreneur        Intergenerational      Community Leadership


To apply Click here

Deadline to apply : Extended to June 30th

Any questions, email